A sustainable alternative to single use plastic pegs.
Auto-Mow’s biodegradable pegs are 100% biodegradable and thus approved by EU regulations. They decompose gradually over a period of 1-2 years and become compost. These pegs are made up of 100% natural material, contain no plastic and are as strong as the regular plastic pegs.

What’s the problem with single use plastic pegs?
Well, for starters it is not good for the environment. Need we say more? Yes.
Single use plastic pegs can make removal of old boundary cable difficult and time consuming for robot mower professionals.
Study shows that 90% of all installers leave the old boundary cable and the pegs in the ground, after reinstalling a new cable in the same garden. Not only does this add up to waste material accumulating in the soil, but it also makes the process of removing old boundary cable rather difficult.
What’s the solution?
Auto-Mow always has one when it comes to Robot installation equipment.
Our biodegradable pegs make removing old boundary cable a lot easier by simply decomposing into the soil – leaving nothing but compost and the old perimeter cable in the ground; ready to be pulled up and removed before laying new cable into the ground.
These biodegradable pegs are therefore the best solution for any garden. You can now carry out clean installations in your customers gardens; with only 1 cable and 1 set of pegs in the ground. Well knowing, that cable removal in that garden is going to be a piece of cake the next time!
Buongiorno, sono una installatrice di robot. Quando mi capita di dovere rifare un impianto, trovo molto difficile togliere il cavo vecchio, che con il tempo è andato in profondità ed è incastrato nelle radici, anche se non c’è presenza di picchetti, la maggior parte delle volte, in accordo con il cliente, lo lasciamo nel terreno con mio dispiacere, perché non mi piace lasciare rifiuti. Voi come fate? Grazie. Maddalena
Usa pioli biodegradabili, quindi non avrai più questo problema.